Saturday, March 17, 2007

Science Fiction? So 1970s

I've said it before and I'll say it again -

Well, yes, I have to actually, because no one was listening last time.

This blog is named after a science fiction fanzine that I had something to do with back in the day, mostly when I lived in Bristol (clue in picture on right, see it?)

Latest News

You can now see more of my output from that Golden Age at a brand new web site.
(It's listed on the left, for the faint-hearted.)

Now, hey, this is not to be confused with the other Mike Scantlebury's, ie com, org, or biz.
So that's that sorted out.

Well done me.

What else?
Well, if you look carefully, you might find a link displayed below.
Click on, and see Mike walking and talking,
(Well, talking, anyway) -
controversial, as always..........

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